
The truth is, human beings are weird. Anyone who claims otherwise has probably not been paying attention. But that is why I am here. As your guide, I will take you down the rabbit hole to the depths of human oddity present in our own (U.S.) culture. We will  explore the seemingly normal (as we are cultural insiders in the U.S. and everything we do seems normal!) and discover through a critical lens that the seemingly normal is in fact, rather strange.

However, I don’t care to simply point at things and say “Look! This is weird, isn’t it?” I want to explore the why behind these cultural curiosities. We may go into the history behind our strange behaviors or we may ponder the psychology behind why we do the odd things we do. I’m not sure where it will take us but I assure you this topic is always fascinating, sometimes mind-boggling and incredibly humorous (if you keep an open mind about it). So let us stop taking ourselves so seriously and realize the weird creatures we are – human beings.

Your Guide to Oddity,
